Join the Global AI Jam
A Celebration of Connection, Inspiration, and Possibility!
Get ready for the 4th Virtual AI Jam, a dynamic gathering designed to energize, inspire, and connect Appreciative Inquiry practitioners from around the world! This isn’t just another conference—it’s a space for deep conversations, fresh insights, and meaningful connections that will revitalize your AI practice.
This year, we’re exploring where Appreciative Inquiry has been and where it’s headed next. Over three interactive days you can expect to:
- Be inspired by leading thought catalysts
- Participate in workshops on cutting edge practices and cases around the world
- Engage with peers and seasoned practitioners, and...
- Co-create the future of AI through rich dialogue and collaboration.
Whether you’re a long-time AI practitioner or just starting your journey, the AI Jam is your opportunity to connect, contribute, and be inspired. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the evolving story of Appreciative Inquiry!
Check out our event page for the latest up-to-date information.
See Ticket Details and Register Below
SUBMIT A WORKSHOP PROPOSAL. We want to hear from you! If you would like to submit a proposal for
a Workshop, please do so here (Submit A Workshop Proposal) by March 17th, 2024.
ADVERTISE A LOCAL GATHERING. During or close to the Jam is also a great time to consider
gathering with your LOCAL AI Community. If you have a local gathering planned (whether its
virtual or in person), we are happy to advertise it on the JAM schedule (and maybe carve out
some time to hear highlights from local groups). Please email the Center if you are planning a
gathering (
APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP. In an ongoing effort to expand access, and thanks to the Jane Watkins
Scholarship Fund and contributions from private donors, we are currently able to offer 5
scholarships. Please APPLY HERE by March 31, 2025.
FUND A SCHOLARSHIP. Want to help us expand access to the benefits of Appreciative Inquiry?
Contribute to the Jane Watkins Scholarship Fund here. The Jane Watkins Scholarship Fund was
established in 2019 with a generous gift in honor of AI pioneer Jane Magruder Watkins. This fund
is used to enable participation in our education programs and events, making them available to
those who might not otherwise have access. Please select “Miscellaneous - Restricted” and type
in “Jane Watkins” in the description field.
Access to all events and materials during the conference.
Early Bird $130.00 ($180.00 on May 1, 2025)
Student Ticket
Current students are eligible for the student rate. Please provide the program of study in which you are currently enrolled.
Early Bird $80 ($130 on May 1, 2025)
By registering for this event, I acknowledge that the event is being recorded by The David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry. Recordings will be made available to Jam participants, as well as potentially used in educational and/or promotional material.
Office Code Applied!
Total: $
Refund Policy
If you wish to cancel your registration, notification must be made in writing to up to fifteen business days prior to the program start date to receive a refund.