Champlain Lead Form Builder v2

Jan 23rd Update: A new version of form builder along with a new corresponding client-side implementation (cclead3.js) has been published. Please test any forms built using this new system thoroughly as it is bran new. The old system can still be accessed here.


Manage Themes


Advanced Options

Desktop: Position form on page using the following jQuery API:

* See and for info on positioning with jQuery's before and after APIs.

Mobile: Position form on page using the following jQuery API:

* See and for info on positioning with jQuery's before and after APIs.

Select elements MUST have a class of "chosen-select" for this to work out of the box.
Note that the error placement may need to change based on your form layout.

* Causes client and server implementation to output verbose messages to the console. Make sure this is unchecked for published forms.

Theme must be selected above before preview can be rendered.

This only effects the preview above.
Preview Mode:

<-- Sorry, this still needs to be implemented.

<!-- Lead Form developed by {{fb.developer}} on {{ | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} using Champlain Lead Form Builder v2 -->

<!-- Templates for lead forms -->
<script type="text/template" id="{{'cclead-' + + '-desktop-template'}}">
<script type="text/template" id="{{'cclead-' + + '-mobile-template'}}">
<script type="text/template" id="{{'cclead-' + + '-thankyou-template'}}">

<!-- Global configuration for lead forms -->
    var CCLEAD = {};

    // Customizations.  See documentation at bottom of formbuilder for info.
    CCLEAD.customizations = CCLEAD.customizations || {}
         CCLEAD.customizations['cclead-{{}}'] = [ function($form, options) {
            options.ignore = ':hidden:not(.chosen-select)';
            // Note that the error placement may need to change based on your form layout
            options.errorPlacement = function(error, element){
            $('.chosen-select').chosen({search_contains: true});
            return options;
    CCLEAD.customizations['cclead-{{}}'] = [ /* function($form, options) { return options; } */ ];
    CCLEAD.debug = true;
    // Array of forms on page along with their configurations.
    CCLEAD.forms = CCLEAD.forms || {};
    CCLEAD.forms["cclead-{{}}"] = {
        postingUrl: "{{fb.postingUrl}}",
        cssUrl: "{{fb.theme.css}}",
        mobileCssUrl: "{{fb.theme.mobileCss}}",
        formType: "{{fb.formType}}",
        brochureDownload: "{{fb.brochureUrl}}",
        locationBefore: "#lightboxAnchor",
        mobileLocationBefore: "#lightboxAnchor"
        location{{fb.jqueryPositionApi | capitalize}}: "{{fb.jqueryPositionSelector}}",
        mobileLocation{{fb.jqueryMobilePositionApi | capitalize}}: "{{fb.jqueryMobilePositionSelector}}"

<!-- Render lead forms -->
<script src="{{fb.theme.js}}"></script>

<script defer src=""></script>

<script>$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">')</script>
<!-- Theme must be selected before code can be generated -->

Developer Documentation: (Hopefully Useful) Code Examples

Customization: Altering a Form's Look and Feel

The easiest way to alter a form's look and feel is to edit the template generated with Form Builder. This approach does not work when the element(s) you add include dynamic content. For example, if you want to load a subset of programs from the Programs API into an options box and want to make sure the options remain current. To do this, you'd want to use the customizations API. Here's an example of adding a dropdown using thie API:

// Example 1: Adding a field
var CCLEAD = CCLEAD || {};
CCLEAD.customizations = {

    // Customizations are key => function pairs where the key corresponds to a form's ID
    // and the function is executed once right after the form is added to the page.  The
    // function is given two arguments: $form, which is a jQuery wrapped reference to the
    // lead form, and options, which are passed into jQuery Validate immediately after
    // your function(s) are executed.  Customization functions must return the options
    // argument.
    'cclead-5015498077': [

        function($form, options) {

            // Add optional Phone field after Email
            var $emailField = $form.find('p.ccLeadEmail');

            $('<p class="ccLeadField">' +
                '<input type="text" class="ccInputText" name="Phone" placeholder="Phone">' +

            // Add required program select dropdown.  You can load programs dynamically
            // from the following API:
            var $zipField = $form.find('p.ccLeadZip');
            $('<p>' +
                '<select name="Program" class="ccInputSelect">' +
                    '<option value="">Certificate of Interest *</option>' +
                    '<option value="Grad Cert in Advanced Management" selected>Advanced Management</option>' +
                    '<option value="Grad Cert in Management Studies">Management Studies</option>' +
                    '<option value="Grad CERT Supply Chain Management">Supply Chain Management</option>' +
                    '<option value="Grad Cert Positive Organizational Development">Positive Organizational Development</option>' +
                '</select>' +

            return options;

        } //, <- More functions can be added here.



Here's another more practical example: Adding functionality for when a form is submitted.

// Example 2:
var CCLEAD = CCLEAD || {};
CCLEAD.customizations = CCLEAD.customizations || {};
CCLEAD.customizations['cclead-5015498077'] = CCLEAD.customizations['cclead-5015498077'] || [];
CCLEAD.customizations['cclead-5015498077'].push(function($form, options) {

    // backup old submit handler
    var parentSubmitHandler = options.submitHandler;

    options.submitHandler = function() {
        var xhr = parentSubmitHandler();
        xhr.always(function() {
            // you're logic here.  You have a direct reference to the form via $form to work with

    // Always remember to return options
    return options;


Using cclead3.js with Existing Forms

In the past you required a separate script script in order to integrate existing forms (forms not built w/ Form Builder). This is no longer the case. You can point cclead3.js to existing forms by their ID. The following example demonstrates how to integrate an existing form with Forms:

    <form id="myFormId">
        <input type="text" name="First Name">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">


        // Use customizations API to define additional submit functionality for this form
        var CCLEAD = CCLEAD || {};
        CCLEAD.customizations = CCLEAD.customizations || {};
        CCLEAD.customizations['myFormId'] = CCLEAD.customizations['myFormId'] || [];
        CCLEAD.customizations['myFormId'].push(function($form, options) {

            // Add validate rules and messages; these can also be defined in markup
            options.rules = {
                "First Name": { required: true }
            options.messages = {
                "First Name": { required: 'Please enter your first name' }

            // override submit handler to add a thank you message
            var parentSubmitHandler = options.submitHandler;
            options.submitHandler = function() {
                var xhr = parentSubmitHandler();
                xhr.always(function() {
                    $form.html("<h3>Thank you!</h3>");

            return options;


        // Define configuration options for this existing form.
        CCLEAD.forms = CCLEAD.forms || {};
        CCLEAD.forms['myFormId'] = {
            existingForm: true,
            postingUrl: "",
            formType: "test"


Live Examples